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Hobson & Company Validates Login Enterprise with Impressive ROI Study Results

February 5, 2024

(Boston, MA, Feb. 5, 2024) – Hobson & Company, a distinguished research firm specializing in Return on Investment (ROI) studies, has partnered with Login VSI, a leader in automated performance and scalability testing, to conduct an extensive analysis of the impact of Login Enterprise on organizations.

The independent study involved in-depth interviews with Login VSI customers, revealing that Login Enterprise effectively addresses critical challenges and delivers a rapid and compelling Return on Investment. “The results of the ROI study conducted by Hobson & Company affirm the transformative impact of Login Enterprise. We are proud that our commitment to addressing the specific hurdles End-User Computing (EUC) teams face shines through in the results of the study”, says John Vigeant, CEO of Login VSI.

The study focused on how leading organizations optimally manage their EUC environments, including concerns related to performance, availability, costly expenditures, and unplanned downtime.

“We were looking at upgrading our underlying system. We used Login Enterprise to review user experience. We wound up deferring the upgrade because it would be difficult to achieve the same user experience with the new operating system without buying more hardware. Using Login Enterprise, we avoided the additional £1-2 million purchase on hardware and kept the same user experience,” stated a Citrix Infrastructure Engineer interviewed.

Hobson & Company’s findings highlight the strategic and measurable impact of Login Enterprise across three key business objectives: improving performance and availability, optimizing technology budgets and planning, and demonstrating business value.

Key Findings from the ROI Study:

Improving Performance & Availability:

  • Login Enterprise significantly enhances performance and availability by reducing the time spent validating application and image changes, resulting in a remarkable 75% decrease in operational friction and enabling faster change cycles.
  • Automated full image and application control checks ensure consistent and reliable performance, with a 50% reduction in the time dedicated to resolving issues and outages.
  • The platform’s 100% agentless approach leads to an impressive 80% reduction in help desk tickets, as issues are identified and resolved proactively.

Optimizing Technology Budgets and Planning Efforts:

  • Login Enterprise reduces costs associated with acquiring new technology or cloud instances, ensuring optimized investments with a remarkable 10% reduction.
  • Industry-recognized benchmarks and load testing enable IT teams to proactively assess and enhance performance, scalability, and user experience before deployment.
  • The platform contributes to a 10% reduction in costs by evaluating current capacity and reducing overprovisioning, aiding IT in effective cost management and capacity planning.

Demonstrating Business Value:

  • Login Enterprise ensures optimal performance and higher availability in pre-production and production environments, achieving a remarkable 10% reduction in user downtime.
  • The solution instills business confidence by delivering reliable and consistent user experiences, demonstrating a notable reduction in the risk of losing revenue through daily and weekly SLA reports.

The ROI study conducted by Hobson & Company reinforces Login Enterprise’s position as a transformative solution for EUC leaders and teams. “If we can prevent just 1 outage, Login Enterprise is worth the cost. The rest of the benefits are icing on the cake”, said one Desktop Virtualization Product Manager.

From the study, it is evident that the value of Login Enterprise is immediate and demonstrable. With tangible benefits across performance improvement, cost reduction, and business value demonstration, organizations using Login Enterprise are capturing a positive return in an average of 4 months and a 3-year ROI of up to 300%.

Check out the Full Study and Determine Your ROI Potential

As a reliable strategic ally for enterprises and vendors overseeing end-user computing (EUC) services, Login Enterprise provides automated, data-driven insights into performance, scalability, and application experiences across various platforms, including VDI, DaaS, Cloud PCs, published applications, desktops, and laptops. This all-encompassing visibility equips teams to make well-informed decisions, guiding them in effective EUC services deployment and achieving optimal performance.Team up with a Login Enterprise expert to discover how you can maximize your Return on Investment (ROI). Get personalized insights for your organization!

About Hobson & Company
Hobson & Company helps technology vendors and purchasers uncover, quantify, and validate the key sources of value driving the adoption of new and emerging technologies. Our focus on robust validation has helped many technology purchasers more objectively evaluate the underlying business case of new technology while better understanding which vendors best deliver against the key value drivers. For additional information, please visit

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