How to Become Proactive with Monitoring?
July 26, 2021
You, like many others, might be collecting data about Application Performance, Event Logs, and Windows.
All this so that when a problem occurs on your IT systems, you can find the root cause. Or, if users complain about performance, you can look for the reasons and fix it. Based on trends, you might even be trying to prevent issues and be proactive.
IT teams are often tasked with proactivity, but without the right tools, it is impossible. It is as clear as day that you cannot be proactive by collecting data. Simply, because you need something to happen before you can collect data about it.

Trying to be proactive with post factum data is like giving a safety rating to a car without crashing it. You are making a lot of assumptions until you hit the vehicle. The same goes for IT. You can build an excellent IT infrastructure, on-premises or in the Cloud, but without putting it to the test, you cannot be sure that you are able to service your users correctly.
We have engaged with many clients, and we see that even the most experienced teams make mistakes. The larger the teams, the more difficult it becomes to maintain a quality level. Often, our clients build IT infrastructures with great specs that should handle thousands of user logins. But on D-Day, when real users try to log on, they encounter bottlenecks.
A Digital Workspace is the sum of all underlying technology. With the complex technology stack nowadays, any of those components can cause a bottleneck in your Digital Workspace delivery.
How Can I Be Proactive Then?
Crash the car before the user gets in! See for yourself if everything works as intended before real users do. Login Enterprise enables you to do just that.

Changes in applications or their underlying infrastructure can impact performance and availability. Even the smallest changes in desktop images can significantly affect performance, and at times this can lead to production systems being overloaded and unavailable.
Most performance bottlenecks only appear when the system is under high load. Login Enterprise quickly identifies performance issues and compares application load times and responsiveness using virtual users.
Avoid adverse impacts on productivity by testing updates and patches in Windows, as well as other antivirus and infrastructure updates or changes. With Login VSI, testing is easy to set up and run. It provides simple, actionable information that can proactively determine the impact on the end-user experience.